The theory of Regulation of the Liver,the Spleen and the Kidney in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Thyroid Nodules
中文关键词:  肝脾肾同调  甲状腺结节  瘿瘤
English Keywords:Regulation of the liver  The spleen and the kidney  Thyroid nodules  “Ying tumor”
基金项目:国家科技重大专项项目——重大新药创制“治疗糖尿病候选药物降糖消渴颗粒研究”(编号:2012ZX09103201 005);科学研究与研究生培养共建项目 研究生培养“基于肝脾肾同治法辨治2型糖尿病的五脏相关理论的基础研究”(编号:0101216)
张毅,赵丹丹,李小可,莫芳芳,穆倩倩,马越,于娜,左加成,安宏,高思华 北京中医药大学北京100029 
摘要点击次数: 1231
全文下载次数: 1657
English Summary:
      Thyroid nodules are endocrinology and metabolic diseases and very common in clinic.It have more female patients and could be induced by a variety of reasons and are often discovered by physical examination because of opaque onset.According to its position and the clinical manifestations,it could be attributed to the category of “Ying tumor” of traditional Chinese medicine.Its disease location should be the liver,the spleen and the kidney and the liver is the most important organs,the pathogenesis are Qi,phlegm and blood stasis interweaved on the location of thyroid,it should treated the liver,the spleen and the kidney together,smooth and nourish the Qi and repel the phlegm and blood stasis,.It should also pay attention to the elimination of risk factors,keep good emotions,have proper diet and living with restraint,comply with the seasons change in nature to achieve the best therapeutic effect.
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