The Discussion Based on Concept of “Correspondence between Nature and Human” about Relationship of Four Seasons-Yin Yang-Five Zang Organs
中文关键词:  天人相应  四时五脏阴阳  阴阳  五行
English Keywords:Correspondence between nature and human  Four seasons-yin yang-five zang organs  Yin-yang  Five elements
张娜,刘晓燕,郭霞珍 北京中医药大学,北京,100029 
摘要点击次数: 1066
全文下载次数: 1494
English Summary:
      In Chinese history and culture, it is believed that human beings are originated from mother nature and the primordial qi is the common material basis of both human beings and the nature. This article described yin and yang formed by primordial qi whose changes are regarded as the origin of all beings; the correlation between movements and changes of yin-yang represents the relationship between the five elements. The same origin of all things in the universe is the theoretical basis of the correlations of four seasons-yin yang-five zang organs. This essay expressed the idea under the perspective of four seasons that it is an important aspect to regard five zang organs’ physical function as reflection of the “correspondence between nature and human” concept. Four seasons-yin yang-five zang organs in Huangdi’s Internal Classic is an important thinking mode in exploring the law of life in Chinese medicine.
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