Analysis on Model of Early Palliative Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine for Cancer
中文关键词:  肿瘤  早期姑息治疗  中医
English Keywords:Cancer  Early palliative care  Traditional Chinese Medicine
李静,钱彦方,李秀玉,腰向颖 海军总医院中医科北京100048 
摘要点击次数: 1032
全文下载次数: 1247
English Summary:
      The number of new cancer cases increases dramatically those years. Cancer patients will face permanent and hard anticancer treatment, which could be a double whammy for both patients and their families on cancer. Ways of current palliative care knowledge into care for patients have become more mature. Medical workers gradually accept palliative care as a recognized medical specialty providing a valuable resource for the improvement of care. The establishment of early palliative care scheme has aroused people to realize the importance of palliative care. As a unique theoretical system, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has profound humanities connotation, which emphasizes the body statue of “the harmony of Yin and Yang and the peace of spirit”, meaning the compatibility of partial cancer and whole body. TCM is remarkable on the control of cancer metastasis with unique system of treatment based on syndrome differentiation. Therefore, we need to arrange and combine the TCM theories with early palliative care ideas, to offer the optimized clinical decision for cancer patients by multidisciplinary support.
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