The Advantage and Strategy of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Treating Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection
中文关键词:  中医药  反复尿路感染  优势和对策
English Keywords:Traditional Chinese medicine  Recurrent urinary tract infection  Advantage and strategy
王伟明1,王磊2,3,苏全新3,彭建中3 1 中国中医科学院广安门医院北京100053 2 卫生部中日友好医院北京100029 3 北京中医药大学北京100029 
摘要点击次数: 1135
全文下载次数: 1743
English Summary:
      Urinary tract infection was a common clinical disease. Elderly people, patients who suffer from diabetes mellitus, immunocompromised people, people who had obstructive or abnormal urinary tract, or people whose urinary tracts were mechanically used were easy to infect with this disease. Recurrence of this disease can damage patients’ kidneys function. Moreover, for those who received long-term antibiotics, it is possible to get dysbacteriosis and organ damage. In the treatment of recurrent urinary tract infection, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) had some advantages such as easing patients’ symptoms, improving their quality of life, reducing recurrent times and rate, shortening the course of treatment, reducing the dosage of antibiotics, avoiding disease recurrence, and lowering the risk of organ damage. TCM treatment should be applied based on the clear etiology and pathogenesis, and the different stages of the disease should be treated with syndrome differentiation. In addition, the follow-up treatment and routine nursing should be valued.
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