Curative effect of Reduning Injection Combined with Erythromycin in Treating Children Mycoplasma Pneumonia(Phlegm heat obstructing lung symptom)
中文关键词:  热毒宁注射液  儿童支原体肺炎  痰热闭肺证  红霉素
English Keywords:Reduning injection  Children mycoplasma pneumonia  Phlegm heat obstructing lung  Erythromycin
王琳琳1,白晓红1,赵历军1,刘芳1,吕晓东2 1 辽宁中医药大学附属医院沈阳110032 2 辽宁中医药大学沈阳110847 
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      目的:探讨热毒宁注射液辅助红霉素治疗儿童支原体肺炎(痰热闭肺证)临床疗效及安全性评价。方法:收集从2012年1月至2013年12月支原体肺炎(痰热闭肺证)住院患儿120例,选取热毒宁注射液辅助红霉素注射液联合治疗儿童MPP 60例作为治疗组,选取单一应用红霉素注射液治疗儿童MPP 60例作为对照组。观察2组治疗前后中西医症状积分变化,主要症状及体征的消失时间、住院时间、总有效率、症状改善率及安全性指标。结果:治疗组主症、体征完全消失时间及住院时间均较对照组明显缩短(P<0.05或P<0.01);治疗后治疗组中医症状评分及总积分除咳时引痛、痰中带血、口干口苦均较对照组改善明显(P<0.05);治疗组总有效率较对照组明显好转,差异无统计学意义。未见明显的不良反应。结论:热毒宁注射液辅助红霉素治疗儿童支原体肺炎(痰热闭肺证)临床疗效明显优于单一应用红霉素注射液治疗组,并且安全性良好。
English Summary:
      To observe the clinical effect and safety of Reduning injection combined with erythromycin in treating children mycoplasma pneumonia(phlegm heat obstructing lung symptom).Methods:A total of 120 children with myicoplasma pneumonia(MPP) who enrolled from January 2012 to December 2013 were recruited. Choose 60 children as the treatment group which was treated by Reduning injection combined with erythromycin and 60 as the control group which was treated by erythromycin solely. Indexes including total symptom scores of TCM and western medicine, cardinal symptoms, symptoms disappeared time, hospital stays, total effective rate, clinical symptom and safety of the two groups were observed and compared.Results:The cardinal symptom, symptoms disappeared time and hospital stays of the treatment group are obviously better than those of the control group(P<0.05 orP<0.01). Besides, symptom scores of TCM of the treatment group are better than those of the control group except for items as pain caused by cough, blood stained sputum, bitter mouth and dry throat (P<0.05). Also, the total effective rate of the treatment group is higher than the control group without statistical significance. No toxic or side effects were observed.Conclusion:Clinical effect and safety of Reduning injection combined with erythromycin in treating children mycoplasma pneumonia(phlegm and heat obstructing the lung) is better than applying ertthoromycin alone.
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