Clinical Application of Wumei Pill by Professor Liu Ximing
中文关键词:  厥阴病  乌梅丸  临床应用
English Keywords:Jueyin disease  Wumei pill  Clinical application
公方雪,指导:刘喜明 中国中医科学院广安门医院北京100053 
摘要点击次数: 833
全文下载次数: 5981
English Summary:
      Wumei pill is recorded in Shanghan Lun·Jueyin diseases. It is firstly used to treat ascariasis of biliary tract and Ludovic giuly. Ke Qin from Qing Dynasty regards that “Wumei pill can be used as a master medicine to treat Jueyin diseases”. Professor Liu Ximing argues that Wumei pill combines soreness, bitterness, pungency, coldness and heat, so it can co-regulate yin and yang, qi and blood, and both tonify healthy qi and purge dirty. It can be used when cold and heat pathogen attack Jueyin liver, when the coordination of the spleen and stomach was disrupted, or when cold, heat, excessiveness and deficiency mixed together. Also, it can be used in internal medicine, surgery, gynecology, and pediatrics. This paper discuss the nature of Jueyin diseases, the indications and composition principle of Wumei pill, the caution in using it and some examples of application to illustrate the experience of Liu Ximing in using Wumei pills.
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