Origin and Development of Bird Perking Moxibustion
中文关键词:  雀啄灸  朱琏  临床适应证  源流  展望
English Keywords:Bird perking moxibustion  Zhu Lian  Clinical application  Origin  Outlook
李晗1,吴焕淦1,2,吴人照3,戚莉2,陈普生4,余曙光5,常小荣6,马晓芃2,东红升2,刘慧荣2,李璟1 1 上海中医药大学附属岳阳中西医结合医院上海200437 2 上海中医药大学上海市针灸经络研究所上海201203 3 浙江省中医药研究院杭州310007 4 李时珍药业集团黄冈435300 5 成都中医药大学成都611137 6 湖南中医药大学长沙410208 
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English Summary:
      Bird perking moxibustion, as an approach of moxa stick suspended moxibustion, is a widespread application in clinic. In recent years, plenty of research about bird perking moxibustion are performed in the academic field, which preliminarily explains the mechanisms of bird perking moxibustion and expands the clinical application. However, the detailed origin of bird perking moxibustion is still unconfirmed. This study is to explore the exact origin of bird perking moxibustion. It is suspected that it was proposed by Lian Zhu in the middle of 20th century. After analyzing the academic background during those years, it is suggested that this approach may be the combination of warming moxibustion apparatus moxibustion, taiyi miraculous moxa roll, thunder-fire miraculous moxa roll, bird perking acupunctural method and reinforcing-reducing techniques of acupuncture. In the early stage, the bird perking moxibustion was considered as an excitation method and the clinical application was infant diseases, syncope, joints pain, abdominal pain, diarrhea, malposition, and so on. As times goes, present clinical application is expanded. It is considered to be more beneficial to replace the manual operation by similar stimulus devices based on its operating characters.
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