Effect of Nephritis Rehabilitation Tablets Combined with Routine Western Medicine for Diabetic Nephropathy:A Meta-analysis
中文关键词:  肾炎康复片  西医  常规疗法  糖尿病肾病  Meta分析
English Keywords:Nephritis rehabilitation tablets  Western medicine  Routine treatment  Diabetic nephropathy  Meta-analysis
王荣1,张莲1,艾金伟2,曾宪涛3 1 武汉大学中南医院肾病内科,武汉,430071
2 湖北医药学院附属襄阳医院循证医学中心,襄阳,441000
3 武汉大学中南医院循证与转化医学中心,武汉,430071 
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      目的:通过Meta分析的方法探讨肾炎康复片联合西医常规疗法治疗糖尿病肾病(DN)的有效性。方法:计算机检索Pub Med、The Cochrane Library(2015年第12期)、Embase、CNKI、CBM、VIP、Wan-Fang数据库中相关临床随机对照试验(RCT),检索时限为各数据库建库至2015年12月28日。两名研究者独立地进行文献筛选、数据提取及文献质量评价。运用RevMan5.3软件进行统计分析,合并效应量二分类资料以比值比,连续型变量以均数差表示,并计算各自95%可信区间。结果:共纳入25个RCT,合计DN患者2 283例。Meta分析结果显示肾炎康片联合西医常规疗法在治疗有效率、降低空腹血糖、减少蛋白尿、增加肌酐清除率、降低尿素氮、胆固醇及三酰甘油等方面与单一常规西医疗法相比疗效差异有统计学意义。结论:肾炎康复片联合西医常规疗法治疗DN疗效明显优于单一西医疗法,值得临床推广。
English Summary:
      To systematically evaluate the effect of nephritis rehabilitation tablets combining with routine western medicine compared with western medicine alone in the treatment of diabetic nephropathy.Methods:We systematically searched the PubMed,The Cochrane Library (Issue 12,2015),Embase,CNKI,CBM,VIP,and Wan-Fang databases for relevant clinical randomized controlled trials(RCT) up to December 28,2015.Two reviewers independently selected the studies,extracted the information,and assessed the trials quality.Data extraction form eligible studies was pooled and meta-analyzed by using RevMan5.3 software.Odds ratio for dichotomous and mean differences for continuous variables,with their 95% confidence interval were calculated.Results:A total of 25 RCT involving 2,283 diabetic nephropathy patients were included.The pooled results showed that compared with western medicine alone,nephritis rehabilitation tablets combining with routine western medicine could significantly improve the treatment efficacy,depress blood pressure,increase the plasma albumin and serum creatinine clearance rate,reduce the levels of blood urea nitrogen,depress the triglyceride and total cholesterol.Conclusion:Current evidences suggested that nephritis rehabilitation tablets combining with routine western medicine is superior to western medicine alone in treating diabetic nephropathy,and it worthwhile for spreading in clinical practice.
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