Analysis of prescription dispensing errors at TCM pharmacy under modern information management mode
中文关键词:  中药房  信息化管理  处方  调剂差错
English Keywords:Traditional Chinese Medicine Pharmacy  Information Management  Prescription  Dispensing error
孙桂凤,孙钊,陈福安 北京医院药学部北京100730 
摘要点击次数: 1134
全文下载次数: 1259
      目的:通过分析我院在引入现代化信息管理模式下中药调剂过程中出现差错种类的变化,提高临床上中药疗效和服务水平。方法:整理我院中药房在2015年5月至2015年11月临床诊疗中有中药房处方5 066张,统计出现的处方调剂差错的种类和次数,并整理在完善现代化信息管理模式后2016年1月至2016年6月在临床诊疗中有处方5 326张,统计出现的处方调剂差错的种类和次数,进行统计学分析。结果:实施现代化信息管理模式前,5 066张中药处方里,出现调剂差错83例,差错率1.7%;实施现代化信息管理模式后,5 326张处方,调剂差错31例,差错率0.6%,χ2=26.702,P<0.05。完善管理措施前后中药处方调剂差错出现的频率,中成药出错例数从53例降低到21例,中草药出错例数从32例降低到10例干预前调查分析,出错总数从85例降到31例,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:现代化信息管理模式能有效规范中药调剂,可明显降低出错率。同时医务人员必修已经比较规范,药剂人员必须增强业务技能,才能把处方调剂差错降到最低。
English Summary:
      To analyze the changes of error types in the process of checking and dispensing prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) after the introduction of modern information management mode to our hospital for improving clinical curative effect and service. Methods: Sort out the 5066 sheets of prescriptions from clinical diagnosis and treatment at the TCM pharmacy of our hospital from May 2015 to November 2015. And 5 326 copies of prescriptions were also sorted out after the introduction of modern information management mode from January 2016 and June 2016. The types and times of both the prescription dispensing errors were recorded and analysed by statistics. Results: There were 83 cases out of 5066 prescriptions with dispensing errors( error rate: 1.7%) before the implementation of modern information management mode; and after the implementation, 31 cases out of 5 326 prescriptions appeared to have dispensing errors (error rate: 0.6%, χ2=26.702, P<0.05) The frequency of errors before and after the impletation: the occurrance of errors in Chinese patent medicine dropped from 53 cases to 21; and there was a reduction in errors from 32 cases to 10 in Chinese herbal medicine. According to the investigation before and after the intervention, the analysis suggested that the total errors dropped from 85 cases to 31, which is statistically significant (P<0.05). .Conclusion: The modern information management mode is effective in regulation of checking and dispensing traditional Chinese medicine, and in the signicant reduction of error rate. At the same time, the medical staff are relatively qualified and standardized, and pharmacy staff must enhance their professional skills to reduce the prescription errors to a minimum.
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