Study on Components of Mahuang Decoction Based on Fingerprint
中文关键词:  指纹图谱  麻黄汤  成分分析  研究
English Keywords:Fingerprint  Mahuang Decoction  Component analysis  Study
余新华1,周虹2,邵永生3,韩春生1,胡永固1,姚连清1,王俊1,杨杰1 1 河南省信阳市第三人民医院,信阳,464000
2 中国人民解放军第154医院,信阳,464000
3 河南省信阳市中心医院,信阳,464000 
摘要点击次数: 1056
全文下载次数: 800
      目的:基于指纹图谱评价麻黄汤中药物的成分分析,阐释中药复方合理配伍的科学内涵。方法:制备混合对照品溶液和麻黄汤水煎液供试品溶液,以流动相为0.1%甲酸-水溶液(A)-0.1%甲酸-乙腈溶液(B);梯度洗脱0~30 min,3%~5% B,30~35 min,55%~95% B,35~40 min,95% B;柱温40 ℃;流速0.5 mL/min;进样量5 μL作为色谱条件进行研究,并根据国家药典委员会提出的中药指纹图谱相似度评价系统2004A进行相似度分析,采用MATLAB软件进行数据处理和统计。结果:1)各色谱峰的相对保留时间和相对峰面积的RSD值均小于5%,表明实验方法学重复性良好。2)8种对照品组成的混合对照品所得指纹图谱无干扰峰,基线稳定;所得实际质荷比和计算质荷比误差小。3)麻黄汤水煎液指纹图谱分离出31个化合物。4)麻黄汤水煎液药物成分分析获得的31种化合物中以第28种2,3,7-三甲基吲哚和第29种乙酸麻黄碱属于麻黄汤水煎液特殊成分,其余29种均可归属于明确药物来源,所有药物的化合物实际质荷比和计算质荷比的误差均在正负100以内,结果为真。结论:麻黄汤水煎液药物成分分析获得的31种化合物中以第28种2,3,7-三甲基吲哚和第29种乙酸麻黄碱属于麻黄汤水煎液特殊成分,其中主要为来源于麻黄的生物碱类成分,来源于桂枝和苦杏仁的有机酸类成分,以及来源于甘草的黄酮类成分。
English Summary:
      To analyze the components of Mahuang Decoction based on fingerprint analysis and to explain the scientific connotation of favourable compatibility of Chinese herbal medicine. Methods:The mixed standard solution and Mahuang Decoction sample solution were prepared with the mobile phase of 0.1% formic acid aqueous solution (A)-acetonitrile-0.1% formic acid (B). Gradient elution was 0~30 min, 3%~5% B, 30~35 min, 55%~95% B, 35~40 min, 95% B. Column temperature was set at 40 C and the flow rate was 0.5 mL/min. Sample volume 5 L was set as chromatographic condition and similarity analysis was conducted based on fingerprint similarity evaluation system 2004A proposed by the Chinese Pharmacopoeia Commission. Data processing and statistics were analyzed by MATLAB software. Results:1) The relative retention time and relative peak area RSD of all spectral peaks were less than 5%, which indicated that the reproducibility of the experimental method was good. 2) Fingerprints of mixed control solution including eight hybrid compositions showed no interference peaks, the baseline was stable and the actual Z and Z error calculation were less. 3) Fingerprint of Mahuang Decoction isolated 31 compounds. 4) In 31 compounds obtained from Mahuang Decoction, 2, 3, 7-3-methylindole and acetic acid ephedrine were special components of Mahuang Decoction and the rest 29 kinds were attributed to specific drug sources. Actual error Z and Z calculated of all drug compounds were±100 and the result was true. Conclusion:In 31 compounds obtained from Mahuang Decoction, 2, 3, 7-3-methylindole and acetic acid ephedrine are special components, which are mainly alkaloids from ephedra, organic acids from bitter almond and cassia twig and flavonoids from licorice.
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