Analgesic Effect of Qinqi Rheumatism Capsule and Its Influence on Immune Function
中文关键词:  秦七风湿胶囊  镇痛作用  免疫功能
English Keywords:Qinqi Rheumatism Capsule  Analgesic effect  Immune function
王梅1,唐志书2,周瑞2,宋忠兴2 1 陕西中医药大学附属医院咸阳712000 2 陕西中医药大学/陕西省中药资源产业化协同创新中心/陕西省中药基础与新药研究重点实验室咸阳712083 
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English Summary:
      To study the analgesic effect of Qinqi Rheumatism Capsule and its effect on immune function through various animal models.Methods:The analgesic effects of Qinqi Rheumatism Capsule were investigated on animal models by acetic acid twisting method,the method of flicking tail,toes pain tenderness and tail pain tenderness test; The influence of Qinqi Rheumatism Capsule on the immune function in mice was investigated by mouse immune organ' weight test,serum hemolysin antibody test and dinitrofluorobenzene (DNFB)-induced delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) model.Results:Qinqi Rheumatism Capsule significantly reduced the number of acetic acid-induced writhing,improved the thermal pain threshold in mice,and alleviated the pain degree in toes and tail pain tenderness,indicating that the analgesic effect of Qinqi Rheumatism Capsule; In addition,it could also inhibit the production of hemolysin antibody and delayed-type hypersensitivity induced by DNFB,suggesting the inhibitory effect of Qinqi Rheumatism Capsule on innate immune and cellular immune function.Conclusion:Qinqi Rheumatism Capsule has obvious analgesic and inhibitory effect on immune function.This study provides a pharmacological basis for Qinqi Rheumatism Capsule's clinical treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.
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