English Translation of “德” as a Term for Nurturing Life in Huangdi's Canon of Medicine
中文关键词:  黄帝内经  养生术语    生态翻译学理论
English Keywords:Huangdi's Canon of Medicine  Terms for life nurturing  De  Eco-Translatology
邓珍珍,沈艺 北京中医药大学人文学院北京100029 
摘要点击次数: 1039
全文下载次数: 1293
      当今中医养生越来越受到重视,而人们对中医养生术语的英译关注度却不很高。为了促进中医养生对外交流与传播,规范中医养生术语的英译显得尤为重要。本文通过查阅相关古籍和文献,探寻《黄帝内经》中“德”字与养生关系,揭示作为养生术语的“德”字英译的重要性。然后对比2个《黄帝内经》英译本中“德”字的译文,追根溯源,找出“德”字作为养生术语所包含的意思,参考芝加哥大学人类学系教授冯珠娣(Judith Farquhar)的译法,并借用胡庚申的生态翻译学理论加以分析,给出“德”字的英译。这项研究为中医养生术语的英译提供了一个新思路。
English Summary:
      In recent years,TCM life nurturing has become more and more popular,but inadequate attention paid to the English translation of TCM terms for life nurturing.In order to introduce TCM life nurturing to the whole world,it is of high importance to promote the standardization of TCM terms for life nurturing.Two methods were used in this study: literature review and comparative study.Firstly,the importance of “德” as a term for life nurturing in Huangdi's Canon of Medicine was revealed through exploring the relationship between it and nurturing life.Secondly,the translations of “德” in the two versions of Huangdi's Canon of Medicine were compared to find out the different meanings it contains.Thirdly,a proper translation for “德” was provided by referring to the English translation of “德” in the book Ten Thousand things: nurturing life in contemporary Beijing written by Judith Farquhar and Qicheng Zhang and analyzing this kind of translation method based on Prof.Hu Geng-shen's Eco-Translatology.Finally,a proper translation method is given to the life nurturing terms like “德” in Huangdi's Canon of Medicine.This study has presented us a new idea about how to translate TCM terms for life nurturing.
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