Experience and Analysis of Treating Allergic Disease with Modified Guomin Decoction in Clinical Practice
中文关键词:  过敏性疾病  中医  临床经验  过敏煎
English Keywords:Allergic disease  Chinese Medicine  Clinical experience  Guomin Decoction
张琳1,吴春艳1,郭霞珍2 1 北京市亚运村医院北京100101 2 北京中医药大学北京100029 
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      过敏性疾病是指在内外因素干扰下,人体免疫系统发生异常反应所导致的一类疾病。依据世界卫生组织(World Health Organization,WHO)的调查表明,目前全球有22%~25%的人患有过敏性疾病,并以每10年23倍的速度增加,我国的发生率也在不断增高。因此,对过敏和抗过敏的问题,日益受到人们的关注。在上个世纪,中国中医药界就此类病创制了方剂“过敏煎”,为临床治疗过敏性疾病提供了思路和方法。本论文将结合本工作室运用“过敏煎”,对过敏性疾病的治疗经验和体会做一个分析,同时提出病证结合,即辨病论治与辨证论治的结合,将2者结合有利于中医药临床的运用和疗效的提高。通过分析以求与同道共勉共进,为中医药的临床应用和发展贡献力量。
English Summary:
      Allergic disease refers to a kind of disease caused by abnormal reaction of human immune system under the interference of internal and external factors. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) survey, 22% to 25% people in the world are suffering from allergic diseases, and it is increasing 23 times every 10 years, so is the incidence increasing in China. Therefore, the allergy and antiallergic issues have gained much more attention. In the last century, “Guomin Decoction” was developed by Chinese medicine field, providing ideas and methods for clinical treatment of allergic diseases. This paper analyzed the experience and understanding of the treatment of allergic diseases based on the application of dGuomin Decoction” in this studio, and proposed the combination of disease and pattern, and the combination of treatment based on disease differentiation and treatment based on pattern differentiation. Both combinations are beneficial to the clinical application and the improvement of the curative effect of Chinese Medicine. The analysis is shared together with fellow colleagues, and contributes to the clinical application and development of Chinese Medicine.
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