Study on Traditional Chinese Medicine Soft Extract Processing Points and Process Parameters
中文关键词:  经验继承  膏滋制备  质量控制  清膏得率  辅料用量
English Keywords:Inherit experience  Preparation of TCM soft extract  Quality control  Clear paste rate  Excipient dosage
路继刚1,吕福杰1,任学明1,侯红星1,李健2 1 山东省聊城市中医医院,聊城252000 2 山东中医药大学附属医院,济南250000 
摘要点击次数: 1138
全文下载次数: 1993
English Summary:
      In China Pharmacopoeia, there is no unified of requirements and regulations on the amount of clear paste and supplementary material in the preparation process of TCM soft paste. In this paper, Professor Zhou Changfeng's experience in quality control points, soft paste amount and the amount of accessories in the preparation process provided references for correctly master the preparation points of processing soft paste. Methods:Professor Zhou's experience was inherited, and combined with data recorded in practice and other literatures. Results:Quality control points, clear paste rate, other commonly used amount of sugar and glue were summarized. Conclusion:TCM clear paste amount is expected by 3358% of compound soft paste. The amount of honey and sugar is generally 12 times the amount of paste. The average yield of single herb soft paste is 2516%, and sugar, honey excipients is generally 21 times the amount of paste.
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