Effects of Weizhong (BL40) Acupoint Acupuncture on the Change of Lumbar Temperature of Patients with Mild and Moderate Lumbago
中文关键词:  腰痛  局部温度  委中穴  红外热成像技术
English Keywords:Lumbago  Local temperature  Weizhong (BL40)  Thermal infrared imager
陈冬荔1,肖瑶1,邹德辉2,白玉琢1,晏珺1,卢宗孝1,张佳怡1,许玥1,陈玉佩1,张莉1,霍则军3,陈洁1,李欣怡1,鲁曼1 1 北京中医药大学针灸推拿学院北京100029 2 华北理工大学中医学院唐山0630003北京大学第三医院中医科北京100191 
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      目的:利用红外热成像仪观察针刺委中穴、曲泉穴及非经非穴对轻中度腰痛患者腰部局部的温度变化响。方法:2016年11月至2017年3月从北京中医药大学的在校学生中招募腰痛ODI评分为50%以下的轻中度腰痛受试者75例,随机分观察组(针刺委中穴)25例、对照组1(针刺曲泉穴)25例、对照组2(针刺非经非穴)25例。分别利用红外热成像仪观察针刺前、针刺后2 min、5 min、10 min、15 min、20 min、25 min、30 min、出针后5 min的腰部局部温度变化。结果:3组受试者在针刺过程中腰部温度均有不同程度的变化,针刺委中组相对于针刺曲泉组和非经非穴组温度升高的时间长,升高的总例数高于其他组(P<0.05),温度升高节段多聚集在L3~5。结论:针刺委中及腘膝部其他穴位均能使腰部局部温度升高,但委中组温度升高幅度大、持续时间长。
English Summary:
      To observe the effects of Weizhong (BL40),Ququan (LV8) acupoints and some sham acupoints acupuncture on lumbar temperature change of mild and moderate lumbago patients with thermal infrared imager.Methods:A randomized control trail was applied in this study,in which 75 students from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine who suffered mild and moderate lumbago and scored below 50% of the Oswestry Index (ODI) were divided into three groups,among which 25 patients were in the experiment group (acupuncturing Weizhong (BL 40)),25 patients were in the first control group (acupuncturing Ququan (LV8)),and 25 patients were in the second control group (acupuncturing sham acupoints).The lumbar temperature changes were observed separately before acupuncture,and 2 minutes,5 minutes,10 minutes,15 minutes,20 minutes,25 minutes,and 30 minutes during acupuncture,and 5 minutes after acupuncture with thermal infrared imager.Results:The lumbar temperature of patients among all the three groups were improved,of which temperature of the experiment group improved more and lasted longer than the other groups (P<0.05),and the lumbar segments L3~L5 showed more obvious temperature improvement than other parts of the body.Conclusion:Both acupuncturing Weizhong (BL40) and other points around the knee improves the lumbar temperature,but acupuncturing Weizhong (BL40) improves more and lasts longer.
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