Progress of Study on Traditional Chinese Medicine in Protecting Neuro Vascular Unit after Ischemic Stroke
中文关键词:  缺血性卒中  神经血管单元  中医药  保护作用
English Keywords:Ischemic stroke  Neuro vascular unit  Traditional Chinese medicine  Protection effect
徐榛敏1,刘雪梅2,曾子修2,张昕洋2,刘晓汉2,张允岭3 1 北京中医药大学东方医院脑病二科北京100078 2 北京中医药大学东方医院实验中心北京100078 3 中国中医研究院西苑医院北京100091 
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      神经血管单元(Neurovascular Unit,NVU)的提出改变了单纯恢复脑组织血供是治疗卒中后神经元损伤的关键这一观点,使人们认识到缺血性卒中诱导的脑损伤是一个复杂的病理过程,涉及到NVU中的各组成成分,而神经保护的目标应从之前传统观点中对单一的神经元保护扩展为对多组成成分的全面保护,药物保护的靶点也应该针对各种有害因子。真正认识到全面保护会使缺血性卒中的治疗达到更理想的效果。中药具有多组分、多靶点、多环节、多途径的全面保护及整体调节的优势和特点,与神经血管单元治疗策略的要求相吻合。现主要基于神经血管单元,对中医药治疗不同病机的中风研究进展进行综述,以期为后续中医药治疗缺血性卒中的临床研究及方案选取提供一定参考。
English Summary:
      The proposal of neurovascular unit(NVU)has changed the idea that pure rehabilitation of brain blood supply is the key to the treatment of neuron damage after a stroke which makes people realize that the brain injury induced by ischemic stroke is a complex pathological process.It involves the various components of NVU,and nerve protection goals should expand into a comprehensive protection of multiple components from a single neuron protection.Drug protection should target at all kinds of harmful factors in pathological process.The identification of comprehensive protection would allow the treatment of ischemic stroke to achieve ideal effects.The traditional Chinese medicine has the advantages and characteristics of multi-component,multi-target,multi-link and multi-channel protection and overall regulation,which is in line with the requirements of the treatment strategy of neurovascular unit.Based on neural vascular unit,this paper reviewed the research progress of traditional Chinese medicine treatment of ischemic stroke in order to provide certain reference for follow-up treatment of traditional Chinese medicine clinical research and treatment of ischemic stroke.
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