Research Progress of Parkinson's Disease with Liver and Kidney Yin Deficiency by Chinese Medicine
中文关键词:  帕金森病  中医药  肝肾阴虚  运动症状  非运动症状  抑郁  睡眠障碍  自主神经功能紊乱  综述
English Keywords:Parkinson's Disease  Traditional Chinese medicine  Liver and kidney yin deficiency  Motor symptom  Non-motor symptom  Depression  Sleep disorder  Autonomic dysfunction  Review
汪芬,沈睿,陈兆善,李珊珊,曹燕,程蓉岐 上海中医药大学附属中医医院上海200071 
摘要点击次数: 599
全文下载次数: 724
English Summary:
      Parkinson's disease(PD)is a common geriatric disease. It has a long course and many complications,which is difficult to cure. Clinically,long-term use of western medicine such as dopamine may cause adverse effects,such as hypothermia,mental disorders and dyskinesia. According to the TCM syndrome differentiation,the liver and kidney deficiency is the basis of the PD,which is related to wind,phlegm,and blood stasis. The treatment of TCM focuses on nourishing liver and kidney,calming liver and eliminating wind,invigorating kidney and promoting blood circulation. Chinese medicine treatment has good curative effects on the motor symptoms and non-motor symptoms of PD without obvious side effects. In recent years,Chinese medicine treatment of Parkinson's disease has paid more attention to regulating non-motor symptoms from a dialectical point of view. The research progress on Parkinson's disease with liver and kidney yin deficiency by Chinese medicine in the past 5 years was summarized as follows.
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