Logistic Analysis Risk Factors of TCM Patterns of Chronic Heart Failure Caused by Hypertension
中文关键词:  高血压  慢性心力衰竭  证型  危险因素  Logistic分析
English Keywords:Hypertension  Chronic heart failure  TCM syndrome type  Logistic analysis
李万芳1,陈守强2 1 山东中医药大学济南250014 2 山东中医药大学第二附属医院心内科济南250001 
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English Summary:
      To discuss the laws of TCM differentiation patterns in patients with chronic heart failure caused by hypertension,and to conduct logistic regression analysis of related factors.Methods:A total of 506 patients with chronic heart failure were classified according to TCM pattern differentiation,and relevant data were recorded in detail.Results:It was found that,with age,hypertensive heart failure patients tend to develop into the pattern of qi deficiency and blood stasis,and the pattern of deficiency of both qi and yin.With the progress of the disease course,patients were prone to qi deficiency and blood stasis pattern,and yang deficiency with water flooding pattern.With the decline of cardiac function,patients were prone to the pattern of yang deficiency with water flooding.With the increase of SCR and BUN,patients are prone to the pattern of sputum turbidity and obstruction.With the increase of Hs-CRP,patients were prone to phlegm stasis binding pattern.Conclusion:The study of pattern classification laws of chronic heart failure caused by hypertension,and the logistic regression analysis of its related factors,certain references were provided for the rationality and norms of the prevention and treatment of such disease via Chinese medicine.
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