Study on Medication Rules of Chinese Compund Medicine in the Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus Based on Data Mining
中文关键词:  中药复方  糖尿病  数据挖掘  频数分析  因子分析  聚类分析
English Keywords:TCM compound prescription  Diabetes mellitus  Data mining  Frequency analysis  Factor analysis  Cluster analysis
王世长,李靖,彭博,高彤彤,张婧,张海力 北京中医药大学东直门医院,北京,100700 
摘要点击次数: 695
全文下载次数: 600
      目的:基于数据挖掘技术探究中药复方治疗糖尿病的用药规律。方法:以中国方剂数据库为检索库,检索治疗“消渴”“脾瘅”“消瘅”“消渴病”“肺消”“膈消”“消中”“肾消”的中药方剂,建立中药复方治疗糖尿病方剂数据库,并采用Excel、SPSS 220软件进行频数及频率分析、因子分析、聚类分析等,进而对中药复方用药规律进行定量、定性分析并探讨其可能机制。结果:中药复方治疗糖尿病涉及方剂605首,中药426味,高频中药93味,甘草、麦冬、人参、茯苓、天花粉、黄连等较为常用;补气药、清热泻火药、清热燥湿药、补阴药最常选用;四气以寒、平、微寒、温、微温,五味以甘、苦、辛、微苦,归经以归肺经、脾经、心经、胃经、肾经较常选用;因子分析最后提取了10个公因子,累积贡献率达3333%,其中补虚以益气养阴、补血生津等治法为主;泻实以清热泻火、清热燥湿、利水消肿、清热凉血等为主,以扶正祛邪为主要治则;聚类分析结果得到10个药对或药组。结论:临床治疗糖尿病疾病多从肺、脾、胃、心、肾入手,以扶正祛邪为主要治则,多采用滋阴养血、益气健脾结合清热泻火、清热燥湿、行气活血等方法选取相应中药组方治疗。
English Summary:
      To explore the medication rules of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) compound prescription of diabetes mellitus (DM) based on data mining technology.Methods:Taking the Chinese prescription database as the retrieval database,the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) prescription for treating “消渴”,“脾瘅”,“消瘅”,“消渴病”,“肺消”,“膈消”,“消中” and “肾消” was searched to establish prescription database of TCM compound prescription in the treatment of DM,and Excel,SPSS 22 software was used for frequency analysis,factor analysis,cluster analysis etc.,and then the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the regularity of TCM compound medication was conducted and its possible mechanism was discussed.Results:TCM compound prescription of DM involves 605 prescriptions,426 kinds of Chinese medicine,93 flavors of high frequency herbs.Radix Glycyrrhizae,Radix Ophiopogonis,Radix Ginseng,Poria,Radix Trichosanthis,Rhizoma Coptidis are commonly used; Qi-tonifying herbs,heat-clearing and fire-purging herbs,heat-clearing and dampness-drying herbs,yin-tonifying herbs are most commonly used; Cold,neutral,light cold,warm,and light warm of four properties of drugs; Sweet,bitter,pungent and slightly bitter of five flavors; Lung,spleen,heart,stomach and kidney channels of channel tropism were most commonly chosen; Totally 10 common factors were extracted from the factor analysis,and the cumulative contribution rate was 3333%,among them,tonifying deficiency mainly relied on invigorating qi and yin,replenishing blood and promoting body fluid,and purging excess mainly relied on clearing heat and fire,clearing heat and drying dampness,inducing diuresis for removing edema,clearing heat and cooling blood,etc.,and the main treatment principles was strengthening the vital qi and eliminating pathogenic factors; totally 10 drug groups were obtained by cluster analysis.Conclusion:Clinical treatment of DM is mostly from the lung,spleen and stomach,heart and kidney,and reinforcing the vital qi and eliminate the pathogenic factors is the main treatment principle.Nourishing yin and tonifying blood,invigorating qi and invigorating spleen combined with clearing heat and purging fire,clearing heat and drying dampness,promoting qi and activating blood circulation and other methods were mostly used for selecting the corresponding TCM prescription to treat the disease.
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