Study on Medication Rules of Chinese Medicine Compound in the Treatment of Insomnia Based on Data Mining
中文关键词:  中药复方  失眠  数据挖掘  频数分析  聚类分析  关联分析
English Keywords:Chinese herbal compound  Insomnia  Data mining  Frequency analysis  Cluster analysis  Association analysis
车艳娇1,庞立健2,吕晓东1,何佳1,张浩洋1,刘婧1,姜昕1,荆莹1 1 辽宁中医药大学沈阳110847 2 辽宁中医药大学附属医院沈阳110032 
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      目的:探究基于数据挖掘技术中药复方治疗失眠的用药规律。方法:选取国家人口与健康科学数据共享平台和中国中医科学院中医药信息研究所提供的《中国方剂数据库》为检索数据库,检索治疗失眠、不得卧、不得眠、目不暝、不寐、失寐的中药方剂,建立中药复方治疗失眠方剂数据库,并采用Excel、SPSS 220统计软件及SPSS 142统计软件进行频数及频率分析、聚类分析、关联分析等,进而对中药复方用药规律进行定量、定性分析并探讨其可能相关机制。结果:中药复方治疗失眠涉及方剂73首,中药227种,高频中药40味,甘草、当归、生地黄、茯苓、人参等较为常用;补气药、补血药、养心安神药最常选用;四气以温、平、微温,五味以甘、苦、辛,归经以归脾经、心经、肺经、肝经、肾经较常选用;聚类分析结果得到21个药对或药组;关联分析共得到46条关联规则,药对以生地黄→当归,甘草→当归等为常用,三味药组以甘草→生地黄,当归,酸枣仁→茯苓,生地黄等为常用。结论:临床治疗肺病多从脾心肺肝肾入手,以补虚泻实为治疗原则。补虚以温阳益气,滋阴养血,泻实以清热凉血,行气活血等方法选取相应中药组方治疗。
English Summary:
      Based on data mining technology,to explore the medication law of traditional Chinese medicine compound prescription for insomnia.Methods:The Chinese prescription database was used as the retrieval database to search the traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions for insomnia,non-lying,non-sleeping,non-twilightness of eyes,non-falling into sleep and insomnia,to establish a database of traditional Chinese medicine compound prescription for insomnia,and Excel,SPSS 220 and SPSS Modeler 142 software were used for frequency analysis,clustering analysis,association analysis and so on.Then,quantitative and qualitative analysis was conducted on the medication rules of TCM compound prescription and its possible related mechanism was discussed.Results:A total of 73 prescriptions,227 kinds of traditional Chinese medicine and 40 kinds of high frequency traditional Chinese medicine were involved in the treatment of insomnia.Radix Glycyrrhizae,Radix Angelicae Sinensis,Radix Rehmanniae Recens,Poria,Radix Ginseng were commonly used.Drugs of qi tonifying,blood tonifying,heart-nourishing and tranquilizing were the most commonly used.The nature was warm,neutral and light warm,and the flavor was sweet,bitter and pungent.The channel tropism was mainly spleen,heart,lung,liver and kidney21 drug pairs or drug groups were obtained by cluster analysis46 association rules were obtained by association analysis.Drug pairs of Radix Rehmanniae Recens→Radix Angelicae Sinensis,Radix Glycyrrhizae→Radix Angelicae Sinensis were commonly used.Drug groups of Radix Glycyrrhizae→Radix Rehmanniae Recens,Radix Angelicae Sinensis,Semen Ziziphi Spinosae→Poria,Radix Rehmanniae Recens were commonly used.Conclusion:The clinical treatment of pulmonary disease is mainly from the spleen,heart,lung,liver and kidney,to supplement deficiency and purge the excess as the treatment principle.Supplementing deficiency is by warming yang and benefiting qi,nourishing yin and blood.Purging the excess is by clearing heat and cooling blood,activating qi and invigorating blood.
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