Study on Professor Tian Jinzhou's Medication Rules in the Treatment of Early Dementia
中文关键词:  早期痴呆  阿尔茨海默病  病案  中医传承辅助平台  医案数据分析系统  名老中医  诊疗思路  临床经验  用药规律  @ 田金洲
English Keywords:Early dementia  Alzheimer's disease  Medical records  Traditional Chinese medicine inheritance support system  Data analysis system of medical records  National famous old doctor of Chinese medicine  Ideas of diagnosis and treatment  Clinical experience  Medication rules  Tian Jinzhou
袁玉娇1,时晶2 1 北京市东城区第一人民医院脑病科,北京,100075
2 北京中医药大学东直门医院脑病三科,北京,100700 
摘要点击次数: 348
全文下载次数: 419
English Summary:
      To summarize Professor Tian Jinzhou's medication rules in the treatment of early dementia and to elucidate the idea and experience of Professor Tian Jinzhou in the diagnosis and treatment of early dementia.Methods:Based on the data analysis system of medical records,the first medical records in the treatment of early dementia of Professor Tian Jinzhou,a national famous old doctor of Chinese medicine,were collected,and the prescriptions were screened to analyze the medication rules.Results:A total of 107 prescriptions for the treatment of early dementia were screened out by applying the traditional Chinese medicine inheritance support system(TCMISS).The four natures and fove flavors,channel tropism,frequency of drugs,commonly used drug combination and drug pairs in these prescriptions were determined,and 11 new prescriptions were obtained by evolution.Conclusion:Professor Tian Jinzhou mainly treated early dementia with drugs for tonifying kidney and nourishing liver,strengthening spleen and resolving phlegm,calming the liver and clearing fire,nourishing blood and tranquillization,which provided the basis for the clinical treatment of early dementia with traditional Chinese medicine.
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