Discussion on the Scientific Basis of Acupuncture in the Prevention and Treatment of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Complicated with Sepsis
中文关键词:  新型冠状病毒肺炎  针刺  抗炎  过度炎性反应  免疫抑制  巨噬细胞
English Keywords:Novel coronavirus pneumonia  Acupuncture  Anti-inflammation  Excessive inflammation  Immunosuppression  Macrophages
陈波1,2,3,金观源4,陈泽林1,2,3,李柠岑1,2,3,徐枝芳1,2,3,王慎军1,2,3,郭义2,3,5 1 天津中医药大学针灸推拿学院,天津,301617
2 天津中医药大学实验针灸学研究中心
,天津,301617 3 国家中医针灸临床医学研究中心天津300193 4 国际系统医学研究所,美国密尔沃基,WI53222
5 天津中医药大学中医学院
摘要点击次数: 1047
全文下载次数: 851
English Summary:
      The purpose of this article is to explore the scientific basis of acupuncture involved in the prevention and treatment of novel coronavirus pneumonia (NCP) complicated with sepsis.The inflammation caused by 2019-nCoV infection is the most important pathological basis of NCP patients,and critical patients are often complicated with sepsis and even die in late stage. After systematical searching and consulting relevant literature on anti-inflammation effect of acupuncture,at home and abroad,it is found that thousands of years of clinical practice and evidence-based basis have revealed that acupuncture possess significant anti-inflammatory effects. The anti-inflammatory effect is mainly realized from two aspects: inhibiting inflammatory reaction and improving immunosuppression. Modern studies have shown that acupuncture could alleviatesepsis through multiple anti-inflammatory pathways, such as sympathetic adrenergic, vagal cholinergic, dopaminergic and so on. Additionally,in recent years,clinical application of combined acupuncture therapies in the intervention of sepsis has become increasingly extensive and further clinical evidence has been accumulated. Therefore,we suggest that acupuncture could be applied to regulate inflammatory response in patients with NCP. Not only the early intervention could inhibit excessive inflammation in the early stage of sepsis and reduce the risk of “inflammatory factor storm”, but also the later intervention could improve sepsis-induced immunosuppression.
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