Research and Development Thinking and Path of American Dietary Supplement Based on Sichuan Genuine Medicinal Materials and TCM Classical Famous Prescriptions
中文关键词:  川产道地药材  经典名方  美国膳食补充剂  中医药国际化  姜黄  养精种玉汤  膳食补充剂健康教育法案  天然产品
English Keywords:Sichuan genuine medicinal materials(Sichuan Dao-di herbs)  TCM classic famous prescriptions  American dietary supplements  TCMInternationalization  Tumeric  YangjingZhongyuDecoction  Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act  Natural Product
钟莉沙1,2,钟雨禅2,赵军宁3,戴瑛3,华桦3,杨安东3,张翼冠3,宋相容1 1 四川大学生物治疗国家重点实验室,成都,610041
2 美国圣湖天然产品有限公司,美国洛杉矶,91706
3 四川省中医药科学院四川省中医药转化中心,成都,610041 
摘要点击次数: 536
全文下载次数: 570
English Summary:
      Sichuan genuine medicinal materials play an important role in the resources of TCM materials,characterized by their variety,wide distribution,high yield and excellent quality.The safety and effectiveness of the classic prescriptions have been verified by thousands of years of practice in the clinical practice of TCM,which is the most valuable part of the medical heritage of China.The FDA's management of dietary supplements and its policy mechanism provide a feasible path for TCM classic prescriptions to enter the American dietary supplement market.Based on the FDA's requirements of dietary supplements and the basis of the team's previous work,this paper summarizes the operational ideas and methods based on the idea of converting TCM materials and classic prescriptions into American dietary supplements.Through the analysis of FDAregulations to provide the policy basis for TCM to enter the international market,to provide examples for TCM to enter the international market practice.
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