Analysis on the Prescription and Medication Law of Traditional Chinese Medicine Against the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia
中文关键词:  新型冠状病毒肺炎  中医药  诊疗方案  用药规律  描述性统计
English Keywords:Coronavirus Disease 2019  Traditional Chinese Medicine  Diagnosis and treatment plan  The law of medication  Descriptive statistics
王怡菲1,邱模炎1,裴颢2,闫二萍1,张琼英3,刘淑娟4,邹浩5,熊莉莉5,叶钢福3,文天才6 1 中国中医科学院望京医院,北京,100102
2 中国医药科技出版社,北京,100082
3 厦门市中医医院,福建361000
4 北京市朝阳区孙河社区卫生服务中心,北京,100015
5 北京中医药大学,北京,100029
6 中国中医科学院中医临床基础医学研究,北京,100700 
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English Summary:
      The syndrome,prescription and medication rule of TCM against the novel coronavirus pneumonia(NCP) were explored by retrieving and analyzing the national,provincial,municipal and autonomous regions' TCM diagnosis and treatment plans.It is expected to provide reference for the TCM medication and treatment for NCP.Methods:Diagnosis and treatment plans of National,provincial,municipal and autonomous regions' Health Commission and Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine from webpage and Chinese database before February 20,2020 were retrieved.Descriptive statistical method was used to analyze the stages,syndromes,prescriptions and herbs in the diagnosis and treatment plan,Liquorice and Gephi software were used to analyze the distribution of herb by stages,so as to further explore the prescription and medication rules against NCP.Results:One national,26 provincial,municipal and autonomous regions' NCP diagnosis and treatment plan (a total of 27) were included.The most commonly seen clinical staging criteria were early stage,metaphase,severe stage,recovery stage,the highest frequency of syndrome was internal block and external desertions,the most frequently used prescription was Maxing Shigan decoction and the most used drug was liquorice root.atractylodes rhizome and ephedra was the most used combined drugs in the early stage,gypsum and ephedra was the most used combined drugs in the metaphase,pinellia tuber and villous amomum fruit was the most used combined drugs in the late stage.Conclusion:Generally speaking,there are many commonalities in syndrome differentiation,prescription,medication and so on,the distribution of syndrome and prescription has certain rules,but due to the influence of climate,region,physique,eating habits and many other factors,the nature of disease and clinical symptoms are also different,so in the diagnosis and treatment of NCP,syndrome differentiation should be emphasized.
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