Allergic Reactions of External Use of Chinese Materia Medica and Its Prevention Based on Data Mining
中文关键词:  临床  外治  中药外用  过敏药物  过敏反应  过敏防范  关联规则  数据挖掘
English Keywords:Clinical  External treatment  External use of Chinese materia medica  Allergic medicines  Allergic reactions  Allergy prevention  Association rules  Data mining
张瑾,白明,苗明三 河南中医药大学郑州450046 
摘要点击次数: 534
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      目的:研究中药外用易过敏的药物、反应、易过敏人群以及如何防范。方法:利用文献检索法归纳具体中药外用致过敏的医案,将病例所涉及的信息录入后应用EXECL软件,采用SPSS Clementine 12.0统计软件进行统计学处理分析。结果:以外用为第一关键词,过敏反应为第二关键词,查阅到文献有130篇,其中挑出关于具体中药外用过敏反应的医案有31篇。单味中药有巴豆、鸦胆子、冰片、补骨脂、乳香、石龙芮、蓖麻仁、何首乌、土鳖、延胡索、无花果叶、雄黄、白僵蚕、泽兰、白芷、威灵仙16种,外用复方中药有15种,使用频数最高中药有透骨草、伸筋草、肉桂(5次,8.4%)。结论:单味易引起过敏的是活血化瘀药,辛味中药对皮肤的刺激作用比其余四味更明显,速发型和迟发性皮肤过敏反应最易出现,其中包括过敏性休克和过敏性皮炎2个最常出现的中药外用具体过敏反应。女性,年龄在30~39岁之间,有既往过敏史是中药外用易过敏人群特征,应在今后临床外用时加以注意。
English Summary:
      To study allergic medicines,reactions and susceptible people in external use of Chinese materia medica,and how to prevent them.Methods:Literature retrieval was used to summarize specific medical cases of allergic reactions caused by external use of Chinese materia medica.The information involved in the cases was recorded in EXECL,and analyzed statistically with SPSS Clementine 12.0.Results:Taking “external use” as the first key word and “allergic reactions” as the second key word,130 literatures were found,among which 31 medical cases about specific allergic reactions of external use of Chinese materia medica were selected.There were 16 kinds of Chinese materia medica,including Fructus Crotonis,Fructus Bruceae,Borneolum Syntheticum,Fructus Psoraleae,Olibanum,Ranunculus Sceleratus,Fructus Cannabis,Radix Polygoni Multiflori,Eupolyphaga Seu Steleophaga,Rhizoma Corydalis,Ficus Carica leaves,Realgar,Bombyx Batryticatus,Herba Lycopi,Radix Angelicae Dahuricae and Radix Clematidis.There were 15 kinds of Chinese materia medica in compound prescriptions for external use.The most frequently used medicines were Phryma Leptostachya,Herba Lycopodii and Cortex Cinnamomi(5 times,8.4%).Conclusion:Allergic medicines used alone are blood-activating and stasis-removing ones.The stimulating effect of pungent Chinese materia medica on skin is more obvious than that of the other 4 flavors.Instant and delayed skin allergic reactions are most likely to occur,including anaphylactic shock and allergic dermatitis,2 most common allergic reactions of external use of Chinese materia medica.Females,aged between 30-39 years old,with a history of allergy are the characteristics of people who are easily allergic to external use of Chinese materia medica,which should be paid attention to in the future clinically external use.
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