Comparison between SUN Simiao and YE Tianshi in Treatment of Edema Disease
中文关键词:  水肿  用药规律  中医传承辅助平台  孙思邈  叶天士
English Keywords:Edema disease  Application laws of TCM  Medication characteristics  SUN Simiao  YE tianshi
王品一1,樊炜静1,金潇2,付常庚2,邢彤2,原方1,王前1,杨宝钟2 1 北京中医药大学北京100029
2 北京中医药大学东方医院北京100078 
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English Summary:
      Edema patients with lingering conditions,Chinese medicine in the treatment of edema disease has unique advantages,summing up the experience of Chinese medicine in this syndrome has unique clinical significance. Methods:Through the traditional Chinese medicine inheritance auxiliary platform system,this study analyzed and compared the similarities and differences between SUN Simiao and Ye Tianshi in the treatment of edema. Results:There were 86 prescriptions of Sun Simiao edema,including 154 herbs; 91 prescriptions of Ye Tianshi,including 136 herbs,of which the drugs used by Shangsun and Ye were mainly pungent,sweet and bitter herbs,and the four qi attributes:the frequency of cold drugs used was significantly different between the 2,Sun's warm drugs (44%),cold drugs (31%),Ye's warm drugs (48%),and cold drugs (22%); in terms of treatment,Sun's use of Lishui method 61 times (45%),Wenyang method 23 times (17%),Huoxue method 13 times (10%),Qushi method 10 times (7%),attack method 29 times (21%),Ye's use of Lishui method 57 times (46%),Wenyang 35 times (28%),Huoxue 5 times (4%),Qushi 26 times (21%),attack 2 times (2%). Conclusion:There are different understandings of the core of edema between the 2 groups. SUN believes that the five viscera are lost,water and gas overflow,and most of them are from the lung; Ye believes that this syndrome is essentially divided into swelling and distension,which is treated in the spleen and stomach; in terms of medication rules,Sun commonly uses “purging lung and water” as the method,representing drugs such as Qizi,Almond,Morus alba,Gansui,etc.,Ye mostly uses “warming yang and eliminating dampness” as the method,representing drugs such as aconite root,dried ginger,Guizhi,Poria cocos,cardamom,etc.; data mining:11 new prescriptions are derived to provide a reference for further understanding and treatment of edema.
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