The Initiating Dynamic Regulation Mechanism of Acupuncture in Acupoint Effects
中文关键词:  针刺效应  穴位  启动机制  针刺原理
English Keywords:Acupuncture effects  Acupoint  Initiation mechanism  Acupuncture principle
赵雪1,2,郭义1,2,郭永明1,2,陈波1,2,刘阳阳1,2,周丹1,2,席强1,2,李忠正1,2,张阔1,3,王秀云1,2,徐汤苹1,潘萍1,陈静子1,高轶1,裴莹1,张秀玉1,康婧青1,王雪争1,陈静霞1,刘亚丽1,肖淑华1,李晓梅1,崔瑞1,刘敬1,潘丽佳1,张玄1,安琪1,马思宇1,闫雅雯1,杨涛1,邢丽莹1,徐舒亭1 1 天津中医药大学实验针灸学研究中心,天津,301617
2 国家中医针灸临床医学研究中心,天津,300193
3 天津大学医学工程与转化医学研究院,天津,300072 
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English Summary:
      How the acupuncture effects is initiated is a common key issue in the study of the acupuncture action principle.For many years,under the affirmative acupuncture effects,starting with the local chemical ions at the acupoints,from dots to lines,and from lines to nets,the research was conducted from different angles of nerve,immunity,endocrine,and energy metabolism,exploring local nerve-cell-chemical interaction and systematically studying “Acupuncture Network” changes and its relationship with acupuncture effects.It has been proved that: 1)Acupuncture could excite nerves that innervating acupoints thus initiate neuroregulation. 2)Acupuncture could induce local inflammatory reaction of acupoint and initiate immune regulation. 3)Acupuncture could regulate the levels of some hormones in acupoint area. 4)Acupuncture could regulate blood flow and partial pressure of oxygen in acupoint area,thus affecting local energy metabolism. 5)The post-interaction of nerve-mast cell-chemical substances in acupoint area influences acupuncture effects. 6)The directed weighting model and the complex network model are supposed to describe the time series response characteristics of the initiation regulatory network of acupuncture,and locate the key signaling molecules.In the study of the initiation mechanism of acupuncture effects,we should combine the local reaction with the whole effects,establish the interactional,mutually connected concept of complex network.And based on systematic summarization and abstraction,we uncovered the key basic factors of acupuncture,acquiring its effective regulation mode and finally improving its clinical efficacy of acupuncture.
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