Clinical Treatment of Patients after Endometrial Polyp Operation (Phlegm and Dampness Stasis Syndrome) with Dissipating Phlegm and Stasis Method and Progesterone Capsule
中文关键词:  化痰祛瘀法  子宫内膜息肉术后  复发  痰湿瘀结证  桂枝茯苓汤加减  黄体酮胶囊
English Keywords:Dissipating phlegm and stasis method  After endometrial polyp surgery  Relapse  Recurrence of phlegm and dampness stasis syndrome  Modified Guizhi Fuling Decoction  Progesterone capsule
张曾玲 广东省中山市黄圃人民医院妇科中山528429 
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English Summary:
      To study the improvement of clinical symptoms and relapse in patients after endometrial polyp surgery after oral treatment with dissipating phlegm and stasis method combined with progesterone capsule,to evaluate the efficacy of Chinese and Western combined treatment methods,and to provides new diagnosis and treatment ideas and methods of prevention for patients after endometrial polyp operation.Methods:A total of 60 patients,admitted to Huangpu People's Hospital of Zhongshan with endometrial polyp after hysteroscopy surgery (phlegm and dampness stasis syndrome) were randomly divided into 2 groups,with 30 cases in each group.The treatment group was treated with dissipating phlegm and stasis method (modified Guizhi Fuling Decoction) on the basis of oral progesterone capsules after surgery,and the control group was treated solely with progesterone capsules.The clinical effects of the 2 groups were compared.Results:The recurrence rate of treatment group was lower than that of control group,but there was no significant difference(P>0.05).The 2 groups had the same effects in improving the thickness of the endometrium.The treatment group was superior to the control group in improving the abnormal menstrual period.The difference between the 2 groups was statistically significant(P<0.05).In terms of side effects,the treatment group was significantly lower than the control group,and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05) In the improvement of TCM symptoms,the treatment group was superior to the control group.Conclusion:The treatment of endometrial polyp patients after hysteroscopic surgery was better than the sole use of progesterone capsules.
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