Analysis of the Characteristics of Professor WANG Leting's Acupuncture Treatment of Liver Pain Based on R Language
中文关键词:  肝区痛  数据挖掘  R语言  王乐亭  关联规则  聚类分析  针灸处方  选穴规律
English Keywords:Liver pain  Data mining  R language  WANG Leting  Association rules  Cluster analysis  Acupuncture prescription  Regularity of acupoints selection
管子金1,2,樊雪鸣2,3,王鹏2,杜琨2,王麟鹏2 1 北京中医药大学北京100029 2 首都医科大学附属北京中医医院北京100010 3 首都医科大学北京100069 
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      目的:探析王乐亭教授治疗肝区痛的用穴特点、选穴规律和成方特色。方法:运用Excel 2016建立通过王乐亭教授治疗肝区痛穴位库,使用R语言作为工具进行频次分析、关联规则分析和聚类分析。结果:王乐亭教授在治疗肝区痛时,使用穴位51个,总频次577次,使用最多的穴位为:合谷、肝俞、足三里、脾俞、曲池。使用频次最多的经脉为:足太阳膀胱经,其次是手阳明大肠经和足阳明胃经。特定穴使用个数为34个,占总经穴数的65.38%,总使用频次为729次。交会穴的使用穴位数量和频次最高,其次为背俞穴、五腧穴和募穴。关联规则结果显示,治疗肝区痛,穴位关联度最高的为肝俞=>脾俞。聚类结果显示,有4种类穴位组合。结论:本研究在临床上总结出王乐亭教授治疗肝区痛的组方特点、立方思路和穴位配伍组合;在研究方法上,首次引入了R语言作为工具,拓宽了应用于针灸处方的数据挖掘思路,对于已经故去的名老中医的学术思想整理、传承与创新,具有非常重要的意义和广阔的应用前景。
English Summary:
      To explore the characteristics of acupoints use,regularity of acupoints selection and characteristics of prescriptions of Professor WANG Leting's treatment of liver pain.Methods:Excel 2016 was used to establish the acupoint database for the treatment of liver pain by Professor WANG Leting,and R language was used as a tool for frequency analysis,association rule analysis and cluster analysis.Results:Professor WANG Leting used 51 acupoints in the treatment of pain in the liver area,with a total frequency of 577 times.The most frequently used acupoints were Hegu(LI4),Ganshu(B18),Zusanli(S36),Pishu(B20)and Quchi(LI11).The most frequently used meridians were:Zu Tai Yang bladder meridian,followed by Yangming Large Intestine Channel of Hand and Zu Yang Ming stomach meridian.The number of specific acupoints used was 34,accounting for 65.38% of the total number of meridians and acupoints,and the total frequency of use was 729.The number and frequency of acupoints used at the crossing point was the highest,followed by the Back-shu point,Wushu acupoints and the Front-mu point.The results of the association rules showed that for the treatment of pain in the liver area,the highest correlation degree of acupoints was Ganshu(B18)=>Pishu(B20).The clustering results showed that there were 4 types of acupoint combinations.Conclusion:This study clinically summarizes the characteristics of the prescription,cubic thinking,and acupoint combination of Professor WANG Leting's treatment of liver pain; In the research method,the R language is first introduced as a tool,which broadens the data mining ideas used in acupuncture prescriptions.It is of great significance and broad application prospects for sorting out academic thoughts,the the inheritance and innovation of the deceased famous old Chinese doctors.
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