Professor GAO Yanbin's Experience in Treating IgA Nephropathy from Collateral Disease
中文关键词:  IgA肾病  络病  中医药  分期论治  辨证论治  通络法  临床经验
English Keywords:IgA nephropathy  Collateral disease  Chinese medicine  Treatment by stages  Syndrome differentiation and treatment  Law of Tongluo  Clinical experience
孟元1,王雨1,赵文景1,王悦芬1,崔方强1,张涛静3,高彦彬2 1 首都医科大学附属北京中医医院肾病科北京100010 2 首都医科大学北京100069 3 北京中医药大学东方医院北京100078 
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English Summary:
      IgA nephropathy is the most common cause of primary glomerulonephritis.Professor GAP Yanbin believes that IgA nephropathy belongs to the category of“collateral disease”of traditional Chinese medicine.The pathological nature of the deficiency and standardization.The nature of the diease is deficiency root causese and manifestation excess.Syndrome differentiation classification advocates the“deficiency determines syndromes and excess determines symptoms.deficiency” of root causes is divided into liver and kidney deficiency,qi and yin deficiency,spleen and kidney deficiency,yin and yang deficiency of 4 syndrome types.Excess of manifestation is divided into 5 syndromes of heat poisoning damages collateral,wind and kidney collaterals,dampness and heat obstructed in collaterals,turbidity and toxin obstructed in collaterals.In the treatment,it is advocated by stage treatment,mainly through collaterals; the acute attack period is mainly dampness and evil.The treatment is to eliminate evil and remove obstructions in collaterals; in the chronic remission period.Healthy qi deficiency is the dominant,combined with deficiency and excess.The treatment is to support the healthy energy and remove obstructions in collateral; syndrome differentiation,modify the prescriptions according to the syndromes and the effect is satisfactory.
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