A study of Alkaloids Separation and Purification Method from Leaves of Kusnezoff Monkshood Root
中文关键词:  草乌叶  生物碱  制备型高效液相色谱
English Keywords:Leaves of kusnezoff monkshood root  Alkaloids  Preparative high performance liquid chromatography
赛乌其日1,新吉乐2,特格喜白音2,敖登其木格2,〖FK(〗乌力吉特古斯〖FK)〗2 1 内蒙古自治区杭锦旗蒙医综合医院,鄂尔多斯,017400
2 内蒙古国际蒙医医院,呼和浩特,010010 
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English Summary:
      To study the alkaloids separation and purification method from leaves of kusnezoff monkshood root using Preparative High Performance Liquid Chromatography(PHPLC).Methods:benzene extraction method was used to obtain benzene extract from leaves of kusnezoff monkshood root.PHPLC was used to separate ingredients of benzene extract from leaves of kusnezoff monkshood root.Thin layer chromatography(TLC)and High Performance Liquid Chromatography(HPLC)were used to analyze the separated ingredients and determine the target peak.PHPLC was used to purify the target peak,the peaks were collected,the separated products were analyzed by TCL and HPLC to verify the separation effect.Results:A total of 12 Peaks were collected using PHPLC separation,designated as Peak 1~Peak 12.TLC and HPLC analysis showed that Peak 5~Peak 10 were enriched in alkaloids.Peak 5 was selected as an example to receive further PHPLC separation.A total of 12 peaks were seen,defined as Peaks 5-1~Peak 5-12.TLC and HPLC illustrated that Peak 5-4 contained most of alkaloids in Peak 5,which was the target separation product.Conclusion:Chromatographic conditions established by PHPLC primary separation and secondary separation can provide basis for the large-scale extraction of alkaloids from leaves of kusnezoff monkshood root.
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