Professor YANG Yufei's Thoughts and Experience Summary on the Treatment of Advanced Colorectal Cancer by Paying Equal Attention to Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine
中文关键词:  杨宇飞  晚期结直肠癌  中西医并重  中医药  健脾补肾解毒  扶正祛邪  治疗经验
English Keywords:Professor YANG Yufei  Advanced colorectal cancer  Pay equal attention to traditional Chinese and Western medicine  Traditional Chinese medicine  Invigorating kidney and strengthening spleen and detoxification  Strengthening vital qi to eliminate pathogenic factor  Treatment experience
徐钰莹1,2,杨宇飞2 1 北京中医药大学研究生院北京100029 2 中国中医科学院西苑医院北京100091 
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English Summary:
      Colorectal cancer (CRC) has high morbidity and mortality, the most advanced CRC cannot be cured.Although conventional Western medicine treatment brings survival benefits to patients, the symptoms caused by the disease itself and the adverse reactions caused by Western medicine treatment often make patients miserable and seriously affect the quality of life.In addition, conventional Western medicine treatment for advanced colorectal cancer cannot cover all the population. For some patients who have poor economic foundation, frail, elderly, and poor willingness to treat by Western medicine and refuse or cannot accept conventional Western medicine treatment, there is an urgent need for new treatments.The treatment method makes up for the gap of conventional treatment and expands the coverage of treatment. Traditional Chinese medicine has a long history in the treatment of tumors, and it plays an important role in reducing the side effects of Western medicine treatment of advanced colorectal cancer, increasing the therapeutic effect, prolonging the survival period, and improving the quality of life. Prof. YANG believes that the treatment of advanced colorectal cancer cannot rely solely on traditional Chinese medicine or Western medicine. She put equal emphasis on traditional Chinese and Western medicine as the core treatment strategy for advanced colorectal cancer. People-oriented is the treatment concept to be adhered to. It should be based on patients at different stages of disease development. For his treatment willingness, disease characteristics and personal physique, he flexibly chooses Chinese and Western medicine treatment strategies with traditional Chinese medicine as the main or western medicine as the mainstay, Chinese medicine as the auxiliary or complementary Chinese and Western medicine. Strengthening the vital qi and eliminating pathogenic qi are the core of the treatment of advanced colorectal cancer when using prescriptions. Strengthening the spleen and kidneys and detoxification is the first treatment method. According to the different development stages of the disease and the different treatment stages of the patient's Western medicine, the ratio of strengthening the body and eliminating pathogens can be flexibly adjusted. We ultimately achieve the purpose of improving the quality of life of advanced colorectal cancer and prolonging the survival period.
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