Study on Antioxidative Active Components Alignment of Flavonoids from Aurantii Fructus Immaturus
中文关键词:  酸橙枳实  药效组分  抗氧化  黄酮类  高效液相色谱法  自由基  总抗氧化能力  偏最小二乘回归
English Keywords:Aurantii Fructus Immaturus  Active components alignment  Antioxidant  Flavonoids  High performance liquid chromatography  Free radical  Total antioxidant capacity  Partial least squares regression
贾富霞,王秀娟,罗容 首都医科大学中医药学院北京100069 
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English Summary:
      To study antioxidant active components alignment of flavonoids from aurantii fructus immaturus. Methods:By using the partial least squares regression method in statistics, the HPLC shared peak area of the flavonoids of citrus aurantium and the 3 antioxidant activities of scavenging DPPH free radicals, scavenging ABTS free radicals, and total antioxidant capacity(FRAP) were determined. Regression analysis was performed on the index results, and the pharmacodynamic components involved in the antioxidant effect and the correlation between each component and the antioxidant activity were obtained. The ratio between the effective components of the 10 batches of medicinal materials was calculated by using the average peak area of each effective component of the medicinal materials.Results:A total of 11 active components of flavonoids were relevant with antioxidant activity. The positive correlation of the pharmacodynamic components with DPPH radical scavenging was as follows:new hemperidin>X1>naringin>X6>X3, and the ratio was 13.8:3.4:1:14.9:1.5:1.2. For the active components positively correlated with ABTS free radical scavenging, the correlation from large to small was as follows:neohemperidin>wild sumacin>X1, with the ratio of 13.8:3.4:1:14.9:1.5:1.2. The positive correlation between the pharmacoactive components and total antioxidant capacity was as follows:neohiresperidin>X1>naringin>anacardin>naringin>X6>X3, the ratio of the components was 13.8:3.4:1:14.9:1.5:1.2; the effective components that were positively related to the scavenging of ABTS free radicals, the correlations from large to small were:neohesperidin>rhosperidin>X1, the ratio of the components was 13.8:1:3.4; the effective components that were positively related to the total antioxidant capacity, the correlations from large to small were:neohesperidin>X1>naringin>X3>Chrysanthin>Hesperidin>X6>Rutinnaringin>X4>Rhosoprin>X2, the ratio of the components was 13.8:3.4:14.9:1.2:1.9:1.2:1.5:1.3:0.8:1:0.4. Conclusion:The antioxidant active of Aurantii Fructus Immaturus is the results of synergisticeffect from many kinds of Flavonoids. Among them, neohesperidin, anacardin and unknown component X1 are the core anti-oxidant components of Lime Citrus aurantium flavonoids; the ratio of neohesperidin, anacardin and unknown ingredient X1 is 13.8:1:3.4.
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