Clinical Application of YAN Xiaoping's Academic Thought of Preventive Treatment of Ankylosing Spondylitis
中文关键词:  强直性脊柱炎  “治未病”  目疾  骨量减少  骨质疏松  髋关节病变  关节畸形  @ 阎小萍
English Keywords:Ankylosing spondylitis  “prevention of disease before it arises”  Eye disease  Bone mass decreased  Osteoporosis  Hip joint disease  Joint deformity  @ Yan Xiaoping
邱新萍1,孙颂歌1,孙莹1,张红红1,阎小萍2 1 北京中医医院顺义医院风湿病科北京101300 2 中日友好医院中医风湿病科北京100029 
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English Summary:
      Professor YAN Xiaoping believes that the core pathogenesis of ankylosing spondylitis is kidney deficiency and yang deficiency,the evils of wind,cold,dampness and heat deeply invade the kidney.In the prevention and treatment of AS,Yan Xiaoping attaches great importance to the application of the “treat disease” principle,which is mainly reflected in:1)AS prevention before disease,mainly advocates helping righteousness,calm spirit,and attaches great importance to health education; 2)AS is both disease prevention and prevention disability.Traditional Chinese medicine treatment is based on tonifying the kidney and strengthening the bones and collaterals.According to the syndromes of the internal organs and syndrome differentiation,the addition and subtraction of the drugs can prevent the occurrence of eye disease changes,bone loss,osteoporosis,and hip joint disease in patients with AS,prevent joint deformity and disability.At the same time,we should pay attention to physical exercise and non-drug treatment; 3)prevent relapse after resuscitation.Patients in the recovery period should pay attention to clear mood,light diet,non-smoking alcohol,regular outpatient follow-up,and follow the doctor's advice to adhere to medication to prevent AS recurrence.
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