Strategy and Practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment for Pancreatic Cancer from the Viewpoint of Regulating Qi and Removing Toxin
中文关键词:  胰腺癌  调气解毒  炎癌转化  分期治疗  气机升降  治未病  学术思想  中医药
English Keywords:Pancreatic cancer  Regulating qi and detoxifying  Inflammation-cancer transformation  Staged treatment  Ascending and descending of qi movement  Treating disease before its onset  Academic thought  Traditional Chinese medicine
李奕1,张曦元1,2,庞博1,花宝金1 1 中国中医科学院广安门医院北京100053 2 北京中医药大学研究生院北京100029 
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English Summary:
      Pancreatic cancer is a common malignant tumor in the digestive system,with extremely strong invasion and metastasis.At present,conventional surgery,radiotherapy and chemotherapy fail to achieve desirable clinical efficacy.Therefore,based on the comprehensive academic thinking of reinforcing health qi and consolidating root,and focusing on the disease location,pathogenesis and disease trend of pancreatic cancer as well as the characteristics of root deficiency and branch excess,we innovatively proposed the strategy of traditional Chinese medicine treatment for pancreatic cancer from the perspective of regulating qi and removing toxin.The pathological processes of tumor formation,evolution,diffusion and metastasis were analyzed from different dimensions of ascending and descending of qi movement,resisting cancer and detoxifying.Combined with the natural course of pancreatic cancer and according to the characteristics of different disease stages,such as inflammation-cancer transformation stage,qi accumulation-cancer formation stage and remission-rehabilitation stage,we built a thinking framework of tumor whole-cycle staging diagnosis and treatment to control the upstream,treat disease root and prevent the downstream.This thinking method provided an accurate and effective scheme for the intervention of traditional Chinese medicine.It was a pioneering and innovative idea of cancer research,and also a multi-element fusion for exploring the core pathogenesis of pancreatic cancer,optimizing the treatment plan and returning to root cause of the disease for treatment.
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