Professor Hua Baojin's Thought in Treating Pulmonary Nodules by Regulating Qi and Removing Toxin
中文关键词:  肺结节  思想探讨  中医药  调气解毒  窠囊  气机升降  经方  @ 花宝金
English Keywords:Pulmonary nodules  Thought exploration  Traditional Chinese medicine  Regulating qi and removing toxin  Kenang  Ascending and descending of qi movement  Classical prescription  @ Hua Baojin
亓润智1,赵雨薇2,栾美琪3,刘瑞1,张兴1,郑红刚1,花宝金1 1 中国中医科学院广安门医院肿瘤科北京100053 2 北京中医药大学北京100029 3 黑龙江中医药大学药学院哈尔滨150040 
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English Summary:
      Pulmonary nodule is usually diagnosed by imaging,and there is still lack of effective early intervention means in western medicine except imaging evaluation and regular follow-up.Under the guidance of preventing disease before its onset,syndrome differentiation and treatment and holistic theory,traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) has unique advantages in the prevention and treatment of pulmonary nodules and has been widely used in clinic.Professor Hua Baojin,who is good at using classical prescriptions,formed the idea of preventing and treating tumor by regulating qi and removing toxin based on many years clinical practice.He thought the basic pathogenesis of pulmonary nodules was closely related to insufficient healthy qi,disorder of qi movement,abnormal body fluid metabolism,and phlegm and stasis blocking lung meridian.With rich clinical experience,professor Hua gradually applied the method of regulating qi and removing toxin to the prevention of pulmonary nodules,which mainly included four basic principles:invigorating spleen,replenishing qi,banking up earth and generating metal; ventilating and descending lung qi and dredging water passage; resolving depression,moving qi and regulating mental state; regulating qi combined with resolving phlegm,expelling stasis and removing toxin.Clinical curative effect has been achieved using classical prescriptions according to syndrome differentiation.In this paper,the clinical experience of professor Hua in the treatment of pulmonary nodules was summarized,and his application of regulating qi and removing toxin was discussed.
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