Application Law of Acupuncture and Moxibustion for Treating Heart Pain in Ancient Literature Based on Data Mining
中文关键词:  心痛  针灸  古代文献  选穴规律  经脉  数据挖掘  关联规则  因子分析
English Keywords:Heart pain  Acupuncture and moxibustion  Ancient literature  Law of acupoint selection  Meridians  Data mining  Association rules  Factor analysis
王意1,王茎2,夏冉3,马强3,王炜3,高兵1 1 安徽中医药大学针灸推拿学院合肥230038 2 新安医学教育部重点实验室合肥230038 3 安徽中医药大学中医学院合肥230038 
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      目的:运用数据挖掘技术探讨古代文献中针灸治疗心痛的选穴规律,为临床针灸治疗心痛类症状提供参考。方法:检索“针灸古籍中腧穴主治的计算机检索系统”,按纳入和排除标准筛选文献并提取腧穴处方,采用IBM SPSS Statistics25.0、IBM SPSS Modeler18.0软件进行描述性分析和关联、因子分析。结果:共筛选出《黄帝内经》《中国简明针灸治疗学》等73本古籍中有效处方共394例。描述性分析提示,针灸治疗心痛使用频次前5位的腧穴是中脘、上脘、巨阙、大陵、内关;任脉、心包经、膀胱经是最常选取的经脉;特定穴方面,主要选取五输穴、募穴、原穴;高频穴对为中脘、上脘,巨阙、中脘,内关、大陵。运用数据挖掘技术得到针灸治疗心痛的核心腧穴处方为中脘-上脘-巨阙;因子分析共提取出9个公因子组。结论:古代文献中,针灸治疗心痛,一般选用心系经脉或相表里经脉腧穴,而对于因其他脏腑气机逆乱所致的心痛,一般选择针灸其原发脏腑或与其相表里脏腑经脉之腧穴;兼见其他脏腑症状者,取相关脏腑之经脉对症治疗。
English Summary:
      To explore the rules of acupoint selection in the treatment of heart pain by acupuncture and moxibustion in ancient literature based on data mining,so as to provide reference for clinical acupuncture and moxibustion treatment of heart pain.Methods:The retrieval system of acupoint indications in ancient acupuncture and moxibustion literature was searched to screen the literature and extract acupoint prescriptions according to inclusion and exclusion criteria.Descriptive analysis,association analysis and factor analysis were performed using IBM SPSS statistics 25.0 and IBM SPSS modeler 18.0.Results:A total of 394 effective prescriptions were selected from 73 ancient books such as Huangdi's Internal Classic and A Brife History of Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion Therapy.Descriptive analysis showed that the top five acupoints in the treatment of heart pain were Zhongwan(CV 12),Shangwan(CV 13),Juque(CV 14),Daling(PC 7) and Neiguan(PC 6); conception vessel(CV),pericardial meridian and bladder meridian were the most frequently selected meridians; in terms of specific points,five transport points,alarm point and source point were mainly selected; the high-frequency acupoint combinations were Zhongwan-Shangwan,Juque-Zhongwan and Neiguan-Daling.Data mining indicated that the core acupoint prescription for treating heart pain was Zhongwan-Shangwan-Juque.Nine common factor groups were extracted by factor analysis.Conclusion:In ancient literature,heart meridian or the corresponding exterior-interior meridians and acupoints were generally selected in the acupuncture and moxibustion treatment of heart pain.For the heart pain caused by the disorder of qi movement in the other zang-fu organs,acupuncture and moxibustion for the primary organ or the acupoints of the corresponding exterior-interior organ meridians was performed; in case of combined symptoms observed in the other zang-fu organs,relevant organ meridians should be chosen for symptomatic treatment.
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