Zhang Zhenyu's Experience in Differentiating and Treating Spleen and Stomach Diseases
中文关键词:  脾胃病  本虚标实  治病求本  标本兼顾  脾胃气机升降  调肝治脾  用药量小力宏  胃痛  泄泻  @ 张珍玉
English Keywords:Spleen and stomach diseases  asthenia in origin and sthenia in superficiality  Treat disease from the root  Treat both the root cause and the symptoms  Ascending and descending of the spleen and stomach qi  Regulate the liver to treat the spleen  Small doses of medicine with a broad therapeutic effect  Stomachache  Diarrhea  @ Zhang Zhenyu
郭祖正1,魏凤琴1,王钰2,曹志群1,3 1 山东中医药大学济南250014 2 青岛西海岸新区中医医院青岛266035 3 山东中医药大学附属医院济南250014 
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English Summary:
      Spleen and stomach diseases are common clinical diseases.Mr.Zhang Zhenyu summarized the theories of previous medical experts regarding the physiological functions and pathological characteristics of the spleen and stomach,and combined it with his own clinical experience to form his own academic ideas.Mr.Zhang believed that spleen and stomach diseases are characterized by asthenia in origin and sthenia in superficiality and deficiency-excess in complexity,with the disease site located in the spleen and stomach and closely related to the liver.He advocated for mobilizing and stimulating the body's inherent healing ability to treat diseases.In the treatment of spleen and stomach diseases,it is necessary to treat both the root cause and the symptoms,pay attention to the ascending and descending of the spleen and stomach qi,treat the spleen by regulating the liver,and prescribe small doses of medicine with a broad therapeutic effect.For specific diseases,he advocated for combining disease differentiation with syndrome differentiation,and modifying prescriptions based on syndrome differentiation on the basis of basic formulas.
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