Clinical Medication Rules of Traditional Chinese Medicine Against Oral Ulcer Induced by Tumor Chemotherapy Based on Data Mining and Latent Dirichlet Allocation
中文关键词:  化疗相关性口腔溃疡;中医药;数据挖掘;隐含狄利克雷分布;用药规律  补气清热;养阴增液;临床文献
English Keywords:Chemotherapy-induced oral ulcer  Traditional Chinese medicine  Data mining  LDA  Medication rules  Invigorating qi and clearing heat  Nourishing yin and increasing fluid  Clinical literature
李奕1,罗富锟1,张曦元1,2,恩格尔1,2,庞博3,花宝金1,朴炳奎1 1 中国中医科学院广安门医院北京100053 2 北京中医药大学北京100029 3 中国中医科学院广安门医院国际医疗部北京100053 
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English Summary:
      To investigate the commonly used traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) methods and medication rules of TCM in the treatment of oral ulcer induced by malignant tumor chemotherapy in the past two decades.Methods:Through the combination of manual and computer retrieval,research articles with the themes of “chemotherapeutic oral ulcer”,“chemotherapeutic oral mucositis”,and “traditional Chinese medicine” were retrieved from CNKI,CSPD,and CCD from 2001 to 2021.The required database was established by reading abstracts and NoteExpress automatic screening and checking.Frequency statistics,correlation analysis,and hidden Dirichlet allocation(LDA) statistical methods were adopted to analyze the method of administration,drug frequency,properties,flavors,and meridian tropism of drugs,commonly used drug pairs,and core drug combinations in the clinical TCM treatment of chemotherapy-induced oral ulcer.Results:Ninety-three research articles were included,involving 96 prescriptions and 141 drugs.The main methods of administration were oral decoctions and mouthwash with liquid medicines.The guiding principle of medication was the selection of heat-clearing and deficiency-tonifying drugs,represented by Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma,Coptidis Rhizoma,and Rehmanniae Radix.The drugs were mainly sweet,bitter,and cold,acting on the lung,stomach,heart,and spleen meridians.Conclusion:This study comprehensively analyzed drug administration methods and medication rules in the treatment of chemotherapy-induced oral ulcer in the clinical literature of TCM and found that qi deficiency,yin deficiency,and hyperactivity of fire are the main pathogenesis of this disease.Therefore,the treatment should be based on invigorating qi,clearing heat,nourishing yin,and increasing fluid.
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