Discussion on the Rule of Acupoint Selection and Mechanism of Needle Warming Moxibustion in the Ttreatment of Lumbar Disc Herniation Based on Data Mining
中文关键词:  针灸  温针灸  腧穴  归经  腰椎间盘突出症  数据挖掘  选穴规律
English Keywords:Acupuncture and moxibustion  Needing warming moxibustion  Acupoints  Channel tropism  Lumbar disc herniation  Data mining  Rule of acupoint selection
姜伟1,陈少宗1,王喆1,万红棉2 1 山东中医药大学济南250014 2 济南市中医医院针灸一科济南250012 
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      目的:探讨温针灸治疗腰椎间盘突出症的选穴规律。方法:检索国家知识基础设施数据库(CNKI)、中国学术期刊数据库(CSPD)及中文科技期刊数据库(CCD)中自建库至2022年4月1日收录的温针灸治疗腰椎间盘突出症相关文献,并运用Excel 2019整理数据并建立数据库,使用IBM SPSS MODELER 18.0进行关联规则分析,运用R语言构建高频腧穴的共现矩阵,使用Origin 2021制作弦图以对高频腧穴进行可视化分析,采用SPSS 26.0进行聚类分析。结果:共获得针灸处方304条,腧穴75个,23个高频腧穴,依次为委中、肾俞、夹脊、环跳等,足少阳、太阳经是最常用经脉,特定穴使用最多的是五输穴和背俞穴,多选取腰背部及下肢部穴位。委中-环跳,委中-夹脊-环跳,环跳-阳陵泉等16个强关联规则,聚类分析将高频穴位分为4类。结论:温针灸治疗腰椎间盘突出症选穴以肾为本,多为足太阳、少阳经穴,结合局部取穴,标本同治,为针灸临床治疗该病提供了选穴依据,并总结温针灸治疗本病通过消除炎症反应、改善局部微循环、抑制痛觉神经,提高痛阈等方面发挥作用。
English Summary:
      To explore the rule of acupoint selection in the treatment of lumbar disc herniation with needle warming moxibustion.Methods:The papers on the treatment of lumbar disc herniation with needle warming moxibustion from the establishment of the database to April 1,2022 in the databases of China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI),China Science Periodical Database(CSPD) and Chinese Citation Database(CCD) were retrieved.The data were collated with EXCEL2019 and the database was established.The association rules were analyzed with IBM SPSS MODELER 18.0 software,and the co-occurrence matrix of high-frequency acupoints was constructed with R language.Origin 2021 software was used to make chord diagram for visual analysis of high-frequency acupoints,which was entered into SPSS 26.0 software for cluster analysis.Results:In the study,304 acupuncture prescriptions,75 acupoints,23 high-frequency acupoints were obtained,including Weizhong,Shenshu,Jiaji,Huantiao,and so on.Foot Shaoyang and Taiyang meridians are the most commonly used meridians.The specific acupoints are Wushu and Beishu,and most of them are selected from the waist,back and lower limbs.Through association analysis,16 strong association rules,such asWeizhong-Huantiao,Weizhong-Jiaji-Huantiao,Huantiao-Yanglingquan,were identified.Cluster analysis divided high-frequency acupoints into 4 categories.Conclusion:The acupoint selection of needle warming moxibustion in the treatment of lumbar disc herniation is based on the kidney,most of which are Foot Taiyang and Shaoyang meridians.Combined with the local acupoint selection and treatment of the symptoms,it provides the basis for the selection of acupoints for clinical acupuncture treatment of this disease,and summarizes that needle warming moxibustion plays a role in the treatment of this disease by eliminating inflammatory reaction,improving local microcirculation,inhibiting pain nerves,and increasing pain threshold.
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