A Multicenter Prospective Cohort Study on the Recurrence Rate of Depression with Heart-kidney Disharmony
中文关键词:  抑郁障碍  复发率  心肾不交型  前瞻性队列研究  云数据  多中心  中西医结合  暴露水平
English Keywords:Major Depressive Disorder  Recurrence rate  Heart-Kidney Disharmony Type  Prospective Cohort Study  Cloud Data  Multicenter  Integration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine  Exposure Levels
杨歆科1,唐启盛1,郑军然2,刘向哲3,尹洪娜4,马良5,黄世敬6,王娣7 1 北京中医药大学第三附属医院北京100029 2 北京回龙观医院北京100096 3 河南中医药大学第一附属医院郑州450099 4 黑龙江中医药大学附属第二医院哈尔滨150001 5 北京市朝阳区第三医院北京100025 6 中国中医科学院广安门医院北京100053 7 首都医科大学附属北京安定医院北京100088 
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English Summary:
      To evaluate the curative effect of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) treatment focused on nourishing yin,reducing fire,relieving vexation and calming nerves on the two-year recurrence rate of major depressive disorder(MDD) with heart-kidney disharmony.Methods:Using a cohort study method,MDD patients with heart-kidney disharmony were recruited from 13 sub-centers nationwide from January 2017 to December 2018.According to the different intervention plans received by patients,they were naturally divided into traditional Chinese medicine(TCM),integrated TCM and Western medicine,and Western medicine cohorts,and the recurrence rates among the three cohorts were compared.And according to the different intervention time of patients receiving TCM programs,the TCM and integrated TCM and Western medicine cohorts were divided into three exposure levels:low,medium,and high.The recurrence rates of the three exposure levels were compared to evaluate the efficacy of TCM programs in reducing the long-term recurrence rate of MDD with heart-kidney disharmony.Results:A total of 506 patients were included,including 172 in the TCM cohort,166 in the integrated TCM and Western medicine cohort,and 168 in the Western medicine cohort.The two-year recurrence rate was 25.6% in the TCM cohort,21.1% in the integrated TCM and Western medicine cohort,and 35.1% in the Western medicine cohort.In terms of recurrence risk,in the TCM cohort,medium exposure level was 63% lower than low exposure level(HR=0.370,95%CI 0.170 to 0.808,P<0.05),and high exposure level was 94.5% lower than low exposure level(HR=0.055,95%CI 0.016 to 0.192,P<0.01).In the combination of TCM and Western medicine cohort,medium exposure level was 72.3% lower than low exposure level(HR=0.277,95%CI 0.111 to 0.689,P<0.01),while high exposure level was 83.9% lower than low exposure level(HR=0.161,95%CI 0.058 to 0.446,P<0.01).Conclusion:The TCM comprehensive programme of nourishing yin,reducing fire,relieving vexation and calming nerves can effectively treat the long-term recurrence rate of MDD with heart-kidney disharmony,as well as,the recurrence rate of MDD can be gradually decreased with the intervention time of TCM.
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