Syndrome Differentiation and Treatment System for COPD:Interpretation Based on Six-dimensional Syndrome Differentiation Theory
中文关键词:  六维辨证观  慢阻肺  急性加重期  稳定期  本虚标实  痰瘀互结  脏腑虚损  扶正祛邪
English Keywords:Six-dimensional syndrome differentiation theory  COPD  Acute exacerbation  Stable period  Asthenia in origin and sthenia in superficiality  Combination of phlegm and blood stasis  Weakness of the Zang-fu organs  Strengthening body resistance and eliminating pathogenic factors
王雨菡,于河,张文静,王振东,李勋欣,谷晓红 北京中医药大学北京100029 
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English Summary:
      The six-dimensional syndrome differentiation theory is a concept that integrates various syndrome differentiation approaches to systematically analyze disease syndrome states from six dimensions:etiology,location,stage,nature,trend,and pathology.This theory aids clinicians in comprehensively understanding diseases and identifying key aspects for treatment.Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD) is a respiratory disease characterized by progressive airflow limitation and persistent respiratory symptoms.Its onset is often attributed to an underlying deficiency of lung qi,combined with external and internal factors,or involvement of other organs affecting the lungs.COPD typically results from chronic lung diseases that persist over time or from congenital deficiencies.The primary location of the disease is the lungs,but it often affects the spleen and kidneys and can extend to the heart,liver,and six Fu organs with prolonged illness,making it a typical multi-system complex disease.The basic pathogenesis of COPD is characterized by asthenia in origin and sthenia in superficiality,specifically involving deficiencies in the lungs,spleen,and kidneys,along with the accumulation of phlegm and blood stasis.Pathological states such as qi deficiency,qi stagnation,and yin-yang depletion are observed,with phlegm,retained fluids,stasis,and micro masses being the most common pathological products.COPD has clear stages.In the stages where the protective qi and the qi level are affected,and in the stages where the qi and nutrient levels are involved,the nature of the disease(cold or heat) and the strength of the pathogenic and healthy qi vary widely.These variations depend on factors such as the nature of the pathogenic factors,seasons,regions,and individual constitution,requiring careful assessment and medication.In the stage where both qi and blood are affected,the condition involves a mix of cold and heat,and deficiency and excess are present simultaneously,making treatment challenging.This stage presents a prime opportunity for traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) to demonstrate its advantages.
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