Application of Syndrome Differentiation Based on Disease-syndrome Integration in Tumor Treatment by SUN Guizhi
中文关键词:  肿瘤  @ 孙桂芝  病证结合  辨证  辨病  学术思想  临床实践  衷中参西
English Keywords:Tumor  @ SUN Guizhi  Integration of disease and syndrome  Syndrome differentiation  Disease diagnosis  Academic thought  Clinical practice  Integrating TCM and Western medicine
刘声1,吴洁2,王逊2,胡凤山1 1 首都医科大学附属北京中医医院北京100010 2 中国中医科学院广安门医院北京100053 
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English Summary:
      Disease-syndrome integration,serving as an important part of Professor SUN Guizhi's academic thought in the treatment of tumors,combines syndrome differentiation with disease diagnosis,conducting comprehensive diagnosis and treatment that takes into account both the whole and the parts.Whether syndrome differentiation or disease diagnosis takes precedence in clinical diagnosis and treatment depends on the actual situation,with the two complementing each other.Especially with the development of modern scientific technology,the shortcomings in traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) diagnosis and treatment have been addressed,and disease diagnosis and treatment have become an important part of TCM therapy.Professor SUN Guizhi has always emphasized the close connection between syndrome differentiation and disease diagnosis in clinical practice,using both Western medicine and TCM methods.Disease diagnosis is aided by modern instruments,combined with the traditional four diagnostic methods of TCM.In treatment,the integration of disease and syndrome is emphasized,employing both purging and tonifying methods,addressing both the root cause and the symptoms,and paying attention to both the overall situation and the details.
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