Medication Rules of TCM in Treating Lung Cancer
中文关键词:  中医药  肺癌  方剂  药组  用药规律  数据挖掘  系统聚类分析  关联规则分析
English Keywords:TCM  Lung cancer  Prescription  Medicine combination  Medication rules  Data mining  Hierarchical cluster analysis  Association rule analysis
辛静1,蒋士卿1,2,张云慧1,周月玲1,孙旭杭1,王留芳1 1 河南中医药大学郑州450000 2 河南中医药大学第一附属医院郑州450000 
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      目的:探究中医药治疗肺癌的用药规律。方法:检索《肿瘤良方大全》《肿瘤方剂大辞典》《卫生部药品标准中药成方制剂》以及《国家药品监督管理局总局国家药品标准(修订)颁布件》中中医治疗肺癌的处方,将数据录入Excel进行数据处理,使用Lantern 5.0、SPSS Modeler 18.0及SPSS Statistics 25.0对肺癌方剂频次统计、系统聚类分析及关联规则分析。结果:共纳入650个处方,572种药,6 120次。药性以寒、温、平为主,药味以苦、甘、辛为主,归经使用最多为胃、脾、肾、肝、肺。使用频次最多的药物为黄芪、白花蛇舌草、甘草、茯苓、沙参、麦冬等。高频药物以清热解毒药和益气养阴药及活血化瘀药主;关联规则分析得到药对关联16条,三联24条,因子内得到13个公因子,系统聚类分析得出7个关联紧密的药组。隐结构得到14个隐变量,每个隐变量有2个隐类,共28个隐类。结论:补气养阴药和清热抗癌解毒、活血化瘀药、健脾利湿药、清热化痰治则,为中医药治疗肺癌提供借鉴,有待进一步结合临床及实验给予验证。
English Summary:
      To investigate the medication rules of TCM in treating lung cancer.Methods:The TCM prescriptions for treating lung cancer were retrieved from The Complete Collection of Tumor Prescriptions,The Dictionary of Tumor Prescriptions,The Ministry of Health Drug Standard of Chinese Medicine Formulation,and The Promulgation of National Drug Standard(Revision).The data were entered into Excel for data processing,and Lantern 5.0,SPSS Modeler 18.0,and SPSS Statistics 25.0 were used for the frequency statistics,hierarchical cluster analysis,and association rule analysis of the prescriptions.Results:A total of 650 prescriptions were collected,involving 572 Chinese medicines which had the total frequency of 6 120.The Chinese medicines used in the prescriptions mainly had cold,warm,and plain natures,bitter,sweet,and pungent flavors,and tropism to the stomach,spleen,kidney,liver,and lung meridians.The most frequently used Chinese medicines were Astragali Radix,Hedyotidis Herba,Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma,Poria,Adenophorae Radix,and Ophiopogonis Radix.The high-frequency Chinese medicines mainly had the effects of clearing heat and removing toxin,replenishing qi and nourishing yin,and activating blood and resolving stasis.The association rule analysis yielded 16 pair associations and 24 triple associations of Chinese medicines,and 13 common factors were obtained within factors.The hierarchical cluster analysis yielded 7 closely associated medicine combinations.The latent structure analysis yielded 14 latent variables,each with 2 latent classes,totaling 28 latent classes.Conclusion:The TCM treatment of lung cancer,which is based on the principles of tonifying qi and nourishing yin,clearing heat and removing cancer toxin,activating blood and resolving stasis,invigorating the spleen and draining dampness,and clearing heat and resolving phlegm,remains to be validated by clinical and experimental studies.
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