TCM Syndrome Differentiation and Treatment of Precocious Puberty from Biased Constitution
中文关键词:  性早熟  体质  平和质  阴虚质  肥胖  阴虚火旺  辨证论治  调和阴阳
English Keywords:Precocious puberty  Constitution  Balanced constitution  Yin deficiency constitution  Obesity  Yin deficiency with effulgent fire  Treatment based on syndrome differentiation  Balance of yin and yang
蓝玉1,袁颖1,宗梦瑶1,沈健2 1 上海中医药大学附属曙光医院上海201203 2 上海中医药大学附属岳阳中西医结合医院上海200437 
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English Summary:
      Precocious puberty impacts the physical and psychological health of children from the onset of the condition and can even persist throughout their lifetime.The effects are not limited to the affected children but also extend to their families and society,posing a significant hidden danger.The incidence of precocious puberty is rising annually,indicating a trend towards becoming a common condition.Physical constitution is characterized by individuality,relative stability,and variability.The identification of physical constitution has a long history and can assess imbalances and functional differences in the organs,essential qi,yin,and yang of the human body.Traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) has unique advantages in identifying children's physical constitution.Through clinical practice over the ages,TCM practitioners have classified the physical constitution of children with precocious puberty mainly into three types:yin deficiency,phlegm-dampness,and qi stagnation.However,this classification is not comprehensive,and clinical observations and related research have found that children with a balanced constitution can also develop this condition.Currently,research on the TCM constitution of children with precocious puberty has made significant progress but has not yet reached a systematic and unified approach.
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